Garden Warbler
(Sylvia borin)
Category of conservation concern (IUCN, 2020) – Least Concern
Population size: 120 – 400 pairs
Distribution pattern
With dispersed isolated breeding sites (rarely up to several in neighbouring squares), almost evenly throughout the country, without significant parts of Southestern and Northeastern Bulgaria.
Comparative distribution of the species compared to the first breeding birds atlas (Iankov, 2007): Breeding locality until 2007 | Breeding locality until 2007, confirmed after 2015 – | New breeding locality after 2015. – The breeding localities after 2015 are identified on a base of raw data from
Breeds mainly in yards rich in trees and shrubs in towns, villages and industrial zones, in public parks and large gardens, and sparse broad – leaved deciduous forests and rarely in orchards, tree and shrub plantations.
Trends in population changes for the period 2013-2020
Not analysed
Not analysed