Atlas of nesting birds in Bulgaria

Great Egret (Ardea alba)

(Ardea alba) (Casmerodius albus)

Category of conservation concern (IUCN, 2020) – Least Concern

Population size: 2020: 14-60 pairs (2007: 5-25 pairs)

Distribution pattern

A very rare breeding species with a small population. It breeds alone or in small colonies – single or with other herons and cormorants. It has been established to breed in eleven sites during the period 2013-2018 – along the Danube River, in the Burgas Wetlands, in the Durankulak Lake, in the Dragoman Marsh and in two localities in the Upper Thracian Plain. In most places, it breeds irregularly. The only places where it builds its nests every year since 2007 are the Dragoman Marsh and Srebarna Lake. During the breeding season, late migrants or summer non-breeding individuals can be observed in many places in Northwestern Bulgaria, the Upper Thracian Plain, along the Iskar River, in the Eastern Rhodopes, along the Danube River and the Black Sea.

Population estimation for the period 2013 – 2020: There is a certain increase in the number of the birds and the breeding sites compared to the maps presented in the Atlas of Breeding Birds of Bulgaria (2007) and in the Red Data Book of Bulgaria (2011).

Population size in Special Protection Areas of Natura 2000: 14-55 pairs (93% of the population). The highest number is in the Special Protection Areas Rayanovtsi (10-20 pairs) and Srebarna (3-8 pairs)

Big size map

Breeding distribution 2013 – 2020 – The distribution and the estimation of the population size of the species for the period 2013 – 2020 is presented –

Comparative distribution of the species compared to the first breeding birds atlas (Iankov, 2007): Breeding locality until 2007 | Breeding locality until 2007, confirmed after 2015 – | New breeding locality after 2015. – The breeding localities after 2015 are identified on a base of raw data from


Breeds mainly in bogs and marshes, in colonies of reed beds. Non-breeding birds can be observed in various wetlands.

Trends in population changes for the period 2013-2020

Short-term trend of population size:


Long-term trend of population size:


Short-term trend of distribution:


Long-term trend of distribution:



Drainage of wetlands. Damage to habitats due to large-scale fires in reed beds. Predation threatening eggs and chicks in breeding colonies. Disturbance in the area of the colonies. Poaching.

Girgina Daskalova, Petar Shurulinkov