Atlas of nesting birds in Bulgaria

Sedge Warbler

(Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)

Category of conservation concern (IUCN, 2020) – Least Concern

Population size: 500 – 1 500 pairs

Distribution pattern

With patchy and dispersed distribution in the lowlands of the country – grouped in neighbouring squares along the Danube River and in some areas in the Danubian Plain, along the Black Sea coast, in the Thracian Plain and the Sofia Field. With dispersed breeding sites in other areas. The distribution varies due to the temporary occupation of some of the nesting sites depending on their degree of humidity.

Big size map

Breeding distribution 2013 – 2020 – The distribution and the estimation of the population size of the species for the period 2013 – 2020 is presented –

Comparative distribution of the species compared to the first breeding birds atlas (Iankov, 2007): Breeding locality until 2007 | Breeding locality until 2007, confirmed after 2015 – | New breeding locality after 2015. – The breeding localities after 2015 are identified on a base of raw data from


Breeds near wetlands, close to the banks of the water – fringe vegetation, especially in places with bushes among the marsh vegetation, also in mixed with bushes humid grassland and tall herb communities, fens, transition mires and springs, near water bodies and wetlands, strips of trees, shrubs and mosaics of them. 

Trends in population changes for the period 2013-2020

Not analysed


Not analysed